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BORT PTTK w Lublinie

Biuro Obsługi Ruchu Turystycznego PTTK w Lublinie

Masz pytania?
Skontaktuj się z nami

Oddział Miejski PTTK 
Biuro Obsługi Ruchu Turystycznego
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 78
20-076 Lublin
tel.: 81 532 87 04
tel.: 81 532 37 58
telefon alarmowy (24h): 513 767 432
WhatsApp: +48 513 767 432

e-mail: biuro@bortpttklublin.pl 


Biuro czynne:

pon-pt: 9:00 - 17:00





Organizational information

Organizational information:

  • The price includes: transfer by bus or minibus, guide service, accident insurance (in foreign travels luggage), contribution to the Tourist Guarantee Fund, in 2 - 4 day trips additionally breakfast, dinners, accommodation in rooms of 2 – 3, with bathrooms (according to the program).

  • In the case of foreign trips, the price also includes visas (where required by international regulations).

  • The price does not include entry tickets - payable at the office.

  • At the time of registration, advance payment of 30% of the value of the event.

  • The arrival times are approximate.

  • The order of visiting may change.

  • The organizer reserves the right to change the price of the event in the event of an abrupt increase in prices: for example, transport, fuels, duties, taxes and exchange rates, however not later than 21 days before the event.

  • Discount for members of PTTK and people "60+"